I worked for ten years as a bench scientist, taking on projects in comparative embryology, muscle development and disease, neural crest patterning, and cranial nerve development. I also had the chance to collaborate with computer scientists and biophysicists on techniques for processing and analyzing microscope data. A selection of publications (+ illustrations) from that time is below.
A. Beiriger, S. Narayan, N. Singh, and V.E. Prince. (2021). Development and migration of the zebrafish rhombencephalic octavolateral efferent neurons. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 529(7), 1293-1307.
M. Rocha, A. Beiriger, E.E. Kushkowski, T. Miyashita, N. Singh, V. Venkataramen, and V.E. Prince. (2020). From head to tail: regionalization of the neural crest. Development, 147(20).
M. Guo, Y. Li, ... A. Beiriger, ... & H. Shroff. (2020). Rapid image deconvolution and multiview fusion for optical microscopy. Nature Biotechnology, 38(11), 1337-1346.
M. Rocha, N. Singh, K. Ahsan, A. Beiriger, and V.E. Prince. (2020). Neural crest development: insights from the zebrafish. Developmental Dynamics, 249(1), 88-111
J.A. Goldstein, S. Bogdanovich, A. Beiriger, ... & E.M. McNally. (2014). Excess SMAD signaling contributes to heart and muscle dysfunction in muscular dystrophy. Human Molecular Genetics, 23(25), 6722-6731.
A. Beiriger and K.E. Sears. (2014). Cellular basis of differential limb growth in postnatal gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica). Journal of Experimental Zoology, 322(4), 221-229.